Monday, March 23, 2009

Water Reflection

This was taken in Portland. I like the reflection of the trees on the water and the composition of the image. I added some saturation and sharpness to enhance the image.


This is a picture of shattered glass on pavement. I took it on my phone so it does not have as good quality as it could of, but I like how the light hits the glass. I added a bit of contrast and some blue hue to the image to make it standout.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

News Story

I took this image on the way home from a soccer tournament. Its the New Hampshire Gold State Bridge. There was an accident about a mile beyond it and the cars were backed up. (I also got some pictures of the accident but they came out bad because the car was moving fast as I was trying to take a picture resulting in blurred images) I added some contrast and sharpness to enhance the bridge's features.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is a photo of a flower pot at my house. I choose to capture this image because below the pot were dead petals collected on the table. The composition is interesting, I like the flower in the front right side out of focus, and the pot containing the flower in the background. I used iPhoto to make it black and white, and also added a bit of contrast and lowered the saturation to give an aged and decaying feel. I like the windows effect on the image, it adds some shadows and interesting contrasts.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Urban Landscape

I took this picture while I was in Portland. I like the composition because there are no objects in the center. The fence adds light to the photo and emphasizes the urban theme. The dumpster with the cardboard coming out adds dimension while the sign adds interesting angles.